Thesis Writing and Supervision

VGSE students study according to the rules of the University of Vienna and the curriculum of the Faculty of Economics. VGSE works closely with the Center for Doctoral studies. Every year, a student's progress is evaluation in an individual Meeting.

For more information, visit the pages of the Center for Doctoral Studies:


Each student will be supervised by two faculty members (the main supervisor and a co-supervisor). Based on the research interests expressed by the student in the letter of motivation and/or the interview, a provisional assignment of a mentor will be made upon entry of the student into the VGSE.

The mentor will have regular meetings with the student to discuss research progress. At the end of the first year, the final assignment should be agreed upon in such a way as to obtain the best fit between student and supervisor.

The main supervisor is the first contact person for the student in all matters concerning the PhD program. Supervisors and students also meet (outside the research seminars) on a regular basis in order to discuss the progress of the student’s PhD studies in general and the dissertation project in particular. Time and project management are essential to avoid major delays.

In addition to being supervised by the main supervisor, PhD students will receive feedback on their research through the research seminars, as explained above, and from the co-supervisor.